For sale by Benchmark Business Sales | Glenn Irving

Ads Details $325,000 plus sav (Freehold POA)

It has taken almost forty years to build this business to what is today. This exceptionally well-established independent electrical contractor is now for sale. With a wide range of long term contracts, future income is assured.

This electrical contracting business services domestic, industrial, commercial clients and private residential sector. Established since 1980.

Strike while the iron is HOT!!

Seldom is there an electrical contracting business for sale like this. They do not come on the market often. So, if you are looking for an electrical business for sale, you should strike while the iron is hot.

About the Business:

- This business has generated average annual revenue of $1.5 million in the last three years. That’s a high turnover for a business of this size.

- Staff turnover, on the other hand, is remarkably low. And the six motivated and long-term sparkies are keen to stay on and keep making that sort of money for a new owner.

- Not only are the tradesmen highly skilled, they arepolite and service-oriented. So customers do not hesitate in coming back, time and time again.

- Personal service these days is a powerful marketing tool. That is why this electrical contractor does not need to spend much money on marketing. A new owner will not either.

- As that new owner, you will have the opportunity to negotiate a new lease on the conveniently-located premises.

- You may prefer, as an option to purchase the freehold from the vendors of the business. The price of the premises is available upon application through the broker.

Opportunities to expand the business abound. Ask the exclusive broker for details. And remember, you’d better strike while the iron is hot.

FOR SALE: $325,000 + SAV and (Freehold p.o.a)

Freehold Property Price on Application

All plant and equipment required to operate the business is included.

For further information on this opportunity, please contact the undersigned:

Glenn Irving
Business Broker
Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations
M: 0402 754 641 T: 1300 366 521 E: glenn@benchmarkbusiness.com.au

If you like to know more about the Business complete our online confidentiality agreement here: https://benchmarkbusiness.com.au/ca-form-3339

or go to www.benchmarkbusiness.com.au and use the reference number #3339 to search for the business.

Benchmark Business Sales and Valuations
The business images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the business.

Business Category: Services, Industrial and Manufacturing, Electrical, Building and Construction

Property Code: 3339
uniqueID : benchmark_71_464


Name:Benchmark Business Sales


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